(Wisdom is better than gold )
In the wake of the dethroned king's descent to the dominion of Seker, we embraced nomadic existence, the temple cloaked in shadows following the departure of its transient guests. Solemnly I lingered, the custodian of ancient rites and laughter, steadfast amidst the haunting void within these walls. All has shifted; even the serpents' poison bears neither taste nor consequence, for the poison of those of your blood has become a more insidious venom.

The Belt of Orion persists in its nocturnal display, stars dutifully fixed in their celestial abode, yet astrologers have faded into oblivion. Autumn nights maintain their crisp allure, yet there exists no heart to savor their gentle coolness. Amidst the ruins of erstwhile vitality, it strains the imagination to perceive the former beauty devoured by chaos. Chaos, a realm pulsating with vitality, far eclipsing the invasion of death.

Necromancers are no more, incapable of resurrecting the living bodies that linger here and beyond. Hierophants' voices, once whisperers mysteries that elicited smiles, have fallen silent. Initiates departed, plummeting into the void in pursuit of the deceased sovereign. The world before me is unrecognizable, for I, in my overestimated strength, transformed into a desert-wandering camel, reveling in newfound liberty. Yet, as a lion poised for conquest, all momentum halted upon the arrival of a colossal dragon, as fierce as Tiamat.

Persistently, the dragon's
"you must" echoed, a proclamation of negation. In defiance, I uttered my counter, "I want." The struggle against this draconic adversary unfolds as an enduring saga, demanding the annihilation of this scaled behemoth to seize freedom, reanimate the lifeless, conclude my shadowed opus, and ascend as the new architect of the immaculate realm.

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