In the shadows of oblivion, amidst the whispers of forgotten realms, Aser's lament echoed through the veils of eternity. "Who am I," he beseeched Isis, "lost in this kingdom of death, trapped in this alien husk? What sorcery have you wrought upon me? Have you truly resurrected me, only to cast me adrift in this realm of illusions?

The world I once knew fades from my grasp, its very essence cloaked in deception, even the names themselves morphing into unfamiliar echoes. I address you now by different names, recalling a time when our gaze met with a different understanding, garbed in the finery of our ancient dominion, a realm vast and grand, yet a realm that wearied your spirit.

Do you remember it, Aset? My memories are but fragmented whispers, obscured by the fog of my inner sight, veiled in enigmatic imagery. Even my worship has splintered into myriad forms, my existence fractured into countless facets. Tales of my demise echo through the ages, each recounting a different visage and appellation. He who I was, was slain, I am but a specter of the past. Why conjure me forth, knowing full well I shall never return?

Yet our progeny, he shall inherit my mantle, traversing the earth as a regal sovereign in the kingdom of Hemeth, a realm scorched by the relentless passage of epochs, sculpted by the relentless march of time. My love for you endures, Isis, but it shall find renewal in the triumphs of our offspring. He shall establish order and reign supreme over mortals, a sovereign amongst nations, a conquering child of universal might. And when the annals of time decree his downfall, he shall return, heralding the twilight of the ages. Though you may depart this world, your name shall resound, your worship as fervent as the mightiest of beasts."

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