Time Nexus
In a land where time collapses upon itself, three women stand as testaments to the fragility of existence. An ancient queen, ruling a forgotten world before the first pyramid rose from the sands of Egypt, carries the weight of an era lost in the depths of history. She is joined by a survivor from the near future, her eyes haunted by the devastation of a war that consumed the globe, leaving nothing but ash and despair in its wake. And then, there is the Victorian lady, a figure of grace and rigidity, embodying the paradoxes of a society veiled in shadows of propriety and revolution.
Together, they traverse this timeless realm, a place where souls intersect in an eternal dance beyond the reach of life and death. Here, in this lost dimension, they share the same breath as creatures long extinct, their stories entwining across epochs. This is the afterlife within life—a space where the past, present, and future dissolve, and what once was, what is, and what could be, exist simultaneously.
They are the echoes of different eras, meeting in the shattered mirror of time, reflecting the perpetual cycle of rise, ruin, and rebirth. Their presence questions the nature of existence: are we but fragments of a grand tapestry, or do we each leave an indelible mark upon the universe?

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